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Mojim Lyrics > Asian male singers > 慶怜 > Chapter 1: CALL TO ADVENTURE


Album songs
Album Intro
Album list


【 Chapter 1: CALL TO ADVENTURE 】【 國語 】【 2024-05-17 】

Album songs:

2.MISSION (Like Us)

3.Out of My Way!

4.Leap of Faith (Provided)

Album Intro:

THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE,是尚未完全的自我,慶憐用這張專輯向每一位聽眾展示他正在走的路,年輕且還需成長,進步而不懼向前。




這張專輯,是慶憐正在開啟的未來,身份、道路、選擇,多種組合衍生出全新的冒險,熱愛、成長、變化,都將在THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE裡找到新的答案。

Ch1. Call to Adventure 傳送門

01. You 關於你

02. MISSION (Like Us) 使徒

03. Out of My Way! 無可阻擋

04. Leap of Faith 信仰之躍

THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE is an album that showcases Caelan's ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. It represents a transition from the past to the present, integrating Eastern and Western influences to create a more diverse identity.

Half-blood symobolizes the transition between old and new blood, but it's not about discarding the past; rather, it's about creating a more diverse self.

Standing between the old and the new, he embodies a duality of remembrance and fascination, understanding his past while continuing to explore the future.

This album marks the beginning of Caelan's future adventures, where love, growth, and change converge to find new answers.

Ch1. Call to Adventure
Leaving the 'safe house,' sparks of adventure ignite. Within, transition, growth, breakthrough—longing materializes. Beneath calm exteriors, wild imaginations thrive. Countless future possibilities beckon. Youth embraces longing, stepping towards their adventurous self.

01. You
Reminiscing on the past, even hidden paranoia within a warm exterior now glimmers with a gentle light, imperfect yet illuminating. Time doesn't sever the past but brings an easy acceptance of it.

02. MISSION (Like Us)
Trust in our mission, for no one understands it better than us. Let doubts and conflicts not sway our original resolve. No bias will shake my determination. Whether in resistance or acceptance, relentless forward momentum asserts our will most effectively.

03. Out of My Way!
Discovering your true desires can alleviate many burdens. Maintain your inherent gentleness while embracing carefree indulgence. Enjoy life—it's all part of the journey!

04. Leap of Faith
Pain is a deep pit, ensnaring the panicked and paralyzing the passive. To break free, we must courageously leap forward with reason and clarity, shaping our essence with each step.